hi harley, its luci. i spent a lot of time thinking about your final message, and before i relized it i started working on something big as my own final message. ive been enjoying it but halfway through i asked myself, "would she even want this? would this just make her uncomfortable?" and i thought, i didn't want that. so just like you respected my wishes in your message ill respect yours however you choose. if im still someone you wanna be with in the future then ill send you everything ive worked on, and ill make it huge just for you, but if this isn't something you want anymore, ill go. this will be the last you hear from me and we can live our lives from now on. i also don't want any drama with any current partner you may have so if you think the lil website i made for you will cause that then i think you should also ignore this. but with that said i can't continue to pour my heart and soul into something i don't know someone will even care about. if you wanna still wanna see what i made despite my warnings then you can't get mad at me okay? if you wanna see it, email me this please ":o)"